Screen Cap of Names and Genders extracted from Wikipedia

Male vs Female Biographies on Wikipedia

I attended the Boston Girl Geeks Dinner last week, and left with a mission – to extract the names from all the biographies on wikipedia, and analyze them for gender. There’s a gem that will compare a first name to a 40,000 name dictionary, and determine whether that name is female, male, mostly female, mostly […]

Fun with FizzBuzz

I decided to make FizzBuzz into something that reads (nominally) like English … because I’m easily amused. fizz_or_buzz = (1..100) fizzbuzz = do |i|   not_fizzy = (i % 3 != 0)   not_buzzy = (i % 5 != 0)   no_fizz_no_buzz = i.to_s   when_fizzy = (i % 3)   when_buzzy = (i % 5)   if not_fizzy && […]